Plastic Surgeons that want more of their most profitable procedures coming in

Here's what you're up against in 2025

Let's start with the elephant in the room.

You are in one of THE MOST competitive niches when it comes to marketing/advertising.

This is an undisputed fact.

Because of the big dollars at stake and the deep pocketed competition fighting tooth & nail for market share, huge money is being spent each month to acquire new patients.

Here's a breakdown of exactly what the current landscape looks like in 2025.

  • Search advertising costs are completely out of control & in some markets clicks cost $100+ (not new case leads BUT clicks).
  • Over the past 12 months Google has CHANGED the way they display their search results, so, that fancy website you spent 10k+ on? No one sees it anymore.
  • Because Google has completely changed how they show local search results- all that SEO work you've plowed hard earned resources into… yea that is 75% less effective than it was just a couple years ago.
  • Social media ads and marketing campaigns used to be cheap, but now, because of browser updates and increased competition not only are they no longer cheap… they're also less and less targeted which means more $ for less results.
  • Billboards, radio ads, TV spots and other traditional marketing mediums… those don't work well at all, can't be tracked properly and deep down you know it.
  • People that need a highly skilled local surgeon to help them NOW aren't looking for that on social media… they're searching for a practice on Google & the data clearly shows this.
  • The digital agencies see you as a money pit that they can extract dollars out of & deposit into their accounts… then move onto the next doctor when you don't get results. They don't see you as a partner to grow & scale with for the long term.
  • 95% of digital agencies are “jack of all trades, master of none” types. They do websites, SEO, ads, social media, etc. because they can sell it and it keeps the lights on, but they don't do it well & operate off of a churn and burn model.

So, now that we've gotten the relentless negativity out of the way lol, there is actually some really good news for you if you want to dominate your marketplace & create a flood of new patients coming in the door.

Here's what it is.

In those bullet points above, I mentioned a couple of times how in the past 12 months Google has COMPLETELY CHANGED the way they display their local search results.

Without going too deep down the rabbit hole here- I'm going to try to sum up what has happened as succinctly as possible.

Here's the deal.

Basically, after years and years of Google sending FREE search traffic to your website (traditional SEO)… they have decided they no longer want to do this.

Historically, if you did a search for a plastic surgeon in your local area… Google would show you a few sponsored options (paid ads) and then links to practices that have gotten to the top of the search page.

This is how it always worked and because it worked like this, it made sense to spend on traditional SEO and fancy websites so that your firm's site could be at the top of those results.

But, it doesn't work like this anymore… because Google has completely updated how they show local search results.

Now, a bit of background here before I go into how it now works in 2025 (and will work in the years to come).

Over the past 5 years or so, Google has been working behind the scenes plowing billions of dollars into their Google Business Profile feature & even more into their Google Maps functionality.

They've done this for one reason & one reason only.

They NO LONGER want to send businesses free traffic to their websites…

They want to keep search users in the Google search results page & give them the information they're seeking RIGHT THERE without leaving.

This is called the rise of the “no click search.”

So, now that they've spent all this money investing in Google Business Profile & Google Local Maps… they've decided to emphasize these features at the TOP of the search rankings by completely rearranging how they show local search results.

This is called the Google “Local Map Pack” and it is by far the biggest opportunity for plastic surgeons in the past decade.

It works like this.

When someone wants to speak to a local surgeon, and searches for that in Google, they are NO LONGER shown a list of websites coming down the page at the top.

They are now presented with the top 3 options, next to a map of their local area, at the very top of the search page.

Here's what it looks like.

This is called the Google Local Map Pack & it is a total gamechanger for new patient acquisition on the Internet.

If your clinic is able to achieve the #1 spot in that “Map Pack” in the largest geographic area possible around your practice location… you will dominate your marketplace & get more new patients leads than you ever thought possible.

And these are the highest intent patients possible, people who are looking to speak to a surgeon right now…

Not the usual tire kickers and researchers that are early on in the buying process.

If you are not #1 in the map pack, or even worse… if you're not listed at all (not in the top 3), you are completely dead in the water and might as well not exist in your marketplace.

It's really that simple.

The Google Map Pack provides the highest quality patient leads, and in most cases, delivers 3-5 times more patient leads than traditional searches that would click over to your website.

This is because Google has spent billions to make it as easy as possible for potential patients to reach out to clinics through their Google Business Profile options WITHOUT leaving the search results.

It's easier for the user, Google doesn't send free traffic away from their page, and your practice gets a higher quality lead… it's truly a win/win/win.

Everything that you just read above is a concrete fact & none of that was my opinion.

We've been working with plastic surgery clinics for over 10 years… and over that time period, we've seen the price of ads skyrocket, social media marketing stop working, traditional SEO fall off a cliff and “fancy websites” become money pits.

And this is ALL because of the rise of the “no click search” and how Google is getting greedy with their search traffic.

So, here's what we've done on this end.

We've completely stopped offering traditional ad management, website SEO services, website builds & social media management & have gone ALL IN on getting our clients to the top of the Google Maps Pack in the largest geographic area possible.

We've done this because this is what is working now, and what will be working years into the future.

It's the best way to get huge results & form long term partnerships- so it was a no brainer.

Because, you see, once Google makes a monumental change like this… and it works for them, they never go back.

They just continue to refine what is working and it's our job as an agency (and your job as a practice owner) to get on board and play nice with Google.

You don't fight Google… you become friends with them & they reward you.

That's how it always has worked and that's how it will work.

You become friends with Google in 2025 and beyond by harnessing the power of your Google Business Profile & the Google Map Pack.

It's that simple.

So, if you read all of this & you want to dominate your local marketplace & get floods of new patient leads coming in… you have to get to the top of the map rankings in the largest search area possible.

If you want to do this you now have two choices.

  1. You can do this with someone else.
  2. You can possibly do this with us (the best in the world- honestly).

If you want to see if we're a good fit to partner together, and help you pick up market share & explode new patient procedures for the short/medium/long term- here's what you have to do.

Click the button below to check out our Local Domination Offer. 

Exactly how it works, what we'll do together, the results we'll get, the guarantee we offer, what we charge to partner together, how you can get started and all other relevant offer details are located on the next page.

Check it out here now.